We make brands better by decoding culture
“shouting at her in a suit” – semiotic sign of the day.
While at the NA Qual360 conference a few days ago I led a workshop called Big Semiotics, in which I set out a series of steps for doing top-down semiotics.
Who is beyond the law? Who is free to choose?
While at the NA Qual360 conference a few days ago I led a workshop called Big Semiotics, in which I set out a series of steps for doing top-down semiotics.
EL James and Cardiff Bus Station: The semiotics of the banal.
A beauteous event took place online this evening, one that exemplifies contemporary digital culture and also Brit culture.
Royal Baby Dilemmas: Secrets of national identity.
The Duchess of Cambridge just gave birth and the comments from the public are piling in, on news sites, Twitter and all the other media platforms.
Beach Body Ready
Protein World had an embarrassing time in recent days. London Underground pulled its ad “Are you beach body ready” after protests from consumers, the ads were vandalised and the ASA received hundreds of complaints.
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